Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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Eastern Himalayan Rural Futures
Joanna Dawson, Ranjit Barthakur and Saurav Malhotra on how communities hold the key to saving the critical geography of the Eastern Himalayan landscape.

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A Global Call to Action in 2020
Co-founder of the ‘Nature Needs Half’ movement Harvey Locke pens down his vision for reducing human impacts on wild nature.

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Expanding Tiger Conservation
Dr. Raghu Chundawat and Joanna Van Gruisen on the recovery of Panna Tiger Reserve's tiger population, and how conservation should extend beyond Protected Areas.

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Meet Virginia McKenna
Virginia McKenna, activist and former actress, founded Zoo Check in 1984, an organisation that turned into the iconic Born Free Foundation.

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Another November In The Forests O...
In a quaint village in Uttarakhand, amidst rapidly disappearing traditional lifestyle practices, Rupal Rathore emphasises the need for working with nature.

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Mangar Bani And Other Forests
An hour from India's bustling capital exists an ecological haven that is home to mammals, birds and an impressive array of floral species.

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Red Sky At Sunset
Bittu Sahgal ruminates on the ongoing environmental crises around the world.

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8,000 e-eyes to count lions acros...
Lion Census 2020 in Gujarat has got a shot in the arm as around 8,000-10,000 cameras would be used to count the burgeoning population of big cats.

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A Climate for Solutions
Protecting the Golden Goose

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Restoring Indian Forests
How India can and must bring its forests back to life to help us mitigate climate crisis

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Getting Back on Track
The impact of proposed Bullet Train on people and the environment of Palghar, Maharashtra.

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Phase out Coal
Forests and natural ecosystems are capable of boosting economy, health and climate change

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