Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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Meet Jyotsna Puri
Bittu Sahgal in conversation with the Head of the Independent Evaluation Office, Green Climate Fund, Dr. Jyotsna Puri.

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The Forests Of Thane
After weeks of study and camera-trapping in the lush Sahyadri forests of Thane, Kedar Gore and his team uncover thriving biodiversity.

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Life as a Brokpa
Manisha Kumar highlights the little-known challenging lifestyle of a nomadic community in Arunachal Pradesh, threatened by habitat fragmentation.

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The Call of the Cheetah
As India prepares to bring back the feline, Abinaya Kalyanasundaram speculates on the chances of success of this ambitious project.

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In Conflict with the Cloud Cat
The snow leopard faces the threat of human-wildlife conflict due to livestock depredation across its range in Central Asia, writes Divya Kilikar.

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Boots on the Ground
As the world fails to confront the challenges of the climate and extinction crises, Cara Tejpal turns to India’s grassroots conservationists for inspiration.

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Green Warriors
Highlighting statistics of forest ranger attacks, B.K. Sharma focusses on how frontline forest staff put their own life on the line to save our wildernesses.

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The Verdant Desert
In the 'barren' landscape of Ladakh, Soham S. Kacker discovers wild flowers, herbs, succulents and tufts of grasses, threatened by drastic climatic variations.

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Commentary: The Good Life
Following Sanjeeva Pandey down the glacial Tirthan river, Bittu Sahgal recalls his birthplace, Shimla as he listened for the call of the Western Tragopan.

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Anjaneri in Jeopardy
The biodiversity-rich rocky plateau of Anjaneri, Nashik, the only conservation reserve for vultures in India, is threatened by a proposed 14 km. long road!

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The Science of Cheetah Conservati...
Dr. Laurie Marker about cheetah conservation in Africa, translocation protocols and the potential of the India's Project Cheetah to save the species.

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Hunting Taboos and Conservation i...
Scholar Sahil Nijhawan and budding researcher Achili Mihu, an Idu Mishmi and Sahil's field assistant pen an insightful paper on hunting taboos and conservation.

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